An A-Z of radio communication terms

Confused about radio terminology? Here's a straightforward A-Z guide from Talkpod that explains those acronyms, helping you navigate the complexities of radio communications with ease. Visit for more detailed information and to explore our wide range of products.

  • AF - Audio Frequency: The spectrum of sound your ears can hear.
  • AM - Amplitude Modulation: A mode of broadcasting radio signals.
  • ANL - Auto Noise Limiter: Minimizes sudden noise bursts for clearer audio.
  • AFC - Automatic Frequency Control: Keeps your receiver accurately tuned to a channel.
  • AGC - Automatic Gain Control: Adjusts your radio's sensitivity to match incoming signal strength.
  • Bandscope - Visualizes active frequencies for easier scanning.
  • Banks - Groups of stored channels for organized scanning.
  • CI-V system - Interface for controlling your radio via PC.
  • Channel Spacing - The frequency gap between adjacent channels.
  • CTCSS - Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System: Filters out unwanted chatter on your channel.
  • CW - Carrier Wave: Morse code signals transmission.
  • DCS - Digital Coded Squelch: Digital version of CTCSS.
  • DDS - Direct Digital Synthesis: Offers precise tuning.
  • EEPROM - Memory type for storing your radio settings.
  • FM - Frequency Modulation: Another broadcasting mode for clearer audio.
  • GHz/MHz/kHz/Hz - Units of frequency measurement.
  • IF shift - Adjusts your IF filter for better signal reception.
  • LCD - Display type for modern radios.
  • LF/MF/HF/UHF/VHF - Various radio frequency bands, each with its applications.
  • Noise Blanker Circuit - Reduces certain types of interference.
  • PBT - Pass Band Tuning: Fine-tunes your reception.
  • RF Attenuator - Prevents signal overload for clearer reception.
  • RTTY - Radio Teletype: A method of sending typed messages via radio.
  • SDR - Software Defined Radio: A flexible and versatile radio design.
  • Squelch - Mutes background noise when no signal is detected.
  • TS - Tuning Steps: Determines how your frequency changes when tuning.
  • VSC - Voice Scanning Control: Stops scanning when voice transmissions are detected.
  • WFM - Wide FM: Receiver mode for broad signal reception.

This comprehensive glossary, courtesy of Talkpod, is designed to make understanding and using your radio equipment easier. For more information on these terms and to check out our innovative radio solutions, head to

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